Friday, November 20, 2009

is the post office necessary?

this is another one of those old news stories that i take too long to address. but, really, is the post office necessary? or, alternatively, is the size of the service necessary. i think every zip code has its own brick-n-mortar building. so even your tiny towns have structures. and despite raising rates all the damn time, they are still losing something like $3B a year! it strikes me as a general waste of government resources and natural resources for that matter. how many postal trucks drive how many miles a day? and it's stop and go from mailbox to mailbox to mailbox. what a waste of gas!

now, i dunno about any of you, but is the postal service necessary? for myself, we don't get any mail of substance save magazine subscriptions. all of our bills are emailed, i pay all our bills online and most contact with family and friends that live far away is now done via social media. so what does the p.o do for us? deliver a whole of junk! that's it! most of it ends up in our recycling, catalogs i don't give a shit about (and can see online), credit card offers that i shred, etc. that's just a general waste of paper.

so, what to do about it? can we consolidate offices? especially in parts of the city and the less suburban places, i'd think two zip codes (at least) could be handled by one office. i certainly don't care if a piece of mail takes a few days longer to reach me. again, all my important stuff is emailed and i don't write checks. this could help reduce wasted money for services most of us neither use nor need AND it held save the government money on providing the services and sell the land where p.o's sit for revenue. we raise some money and save some money!

in the meantime, sign up for online banking and paperless billing. and google 'stop junk mail' and help out, huh?

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